
Do you ever feel like you’re destined for more?

That’s because you absolutely are.

Allow me to help you discover your inner-extraordinary…

Hey there! I’m Agnes, serial entrepreneur, writer, speaker, dreamer of big dreams, and believer of impossible things. 

It wasn’t always this way. I used to be a shy little girl and I allowed that label to follow me around most of my life. I often shrunk myself down careful not to make too many ripples or disturbances of any kind. I would say things like, “I am the way I am” and “I’m just not as lucky as some people”.

I wasn’t born into an affluent family, in fact we were immigrants and faced many challenges growing up, we had very little and had to learn English and a new culture. Somehow I always felt like an outsider looking in. I always believed that that was just my fortune in life. Some people are born great and some aren’t. And I wasn’t. I was born to be average, to play it safe, stay under the radar, and not ask for too much.

But I was often met with this lingering feeling of, is this really it? Is this all there is? I just go to school and then work and pay my bills and get old and then lights out? Is there even anything after? Or is this literally all there is?

I knew in my soul the answer was no. And I suppose that it was when I really began asking the big questions that the universe, in its delicate and most perfect way, began to answer. Through several life twists and “coincidences” I found myself discovering a new world I had never known existed. I began to learn about holistic healing modalities and thought about the possibility of teaching others what I was learning. I started my first business in 2011 and that quickly led me into the world of personal growth and shorty thereafter, spiritual growth.

In 2015 I had an out of body experience in Ecuador where I met God for the very first time in my human life. It was an extraordinary experience that changed me forever. I decided in a moment that there is, and always has been, so much more. I wasn’t who I thought I was born as, I was who I’ve decided to be. I knew that I wasn’t shy, I wasn’t average, I wasn’t any of the things I told myself or society told me. Actually I get to decide exactly what I want and who I wish to be.

And so I decided.

To be successful, to be happy, to be outgoing, to create meaningful relationships, to be healthy, to stop being afraid, and to share my voice. Of course this is not something that happened overnight. From the decision to the fruition has been a long and sometimes painful journey, filled with negative self talk, doubt, and many setbacks. I am still learning. But nonetheless I have never gone back on my choice to grow. I am intentional in taking one step forward, no matter how small, every single day.

I had a second notable mystical experience in 2017 while meditating I had a vivid vision of a girl who I felt so strongly was my twin. I knew her. It was such a strong feeling that I later felt such a longing for this person and I thought maybe I had a twin who died that know one knew about. In the vision she was mediating on the porch of the home where I now live in South Carolina. At the time I was living in Illinois and had not even had the idea that we’d be moving yet. I know now that this woman that I saw was not my twin but she was the higher version of my former self. And she was calling me then as she calls me everyday to show up and answer the call.

I believe you were designed perfectly by a perfect God and there are no mistakes. You are loved. You are supported. You are gently guided. Every moment of your life has been divinely orchestrated and has brought you to this very moment. I believe every ordinary girl can choose to live an extraordinary life.

My wish for you is that you choose for yourself what God chooses for you and that is abundance in every area of your life. From your health to your finances to your relationship, you get to have it all. Your only limits are the self imposed ones that live in your mind. Let’s expand these limitations together. It’s time to break out of the box you’ve been placed in. It’s your turn to shine. The world is waiting for your light.

To your joy and abundance,

Agnes T. <3

Let’s grow together.